Wife is out of town, I have lots of base and a decent amt of specialty grains and a ton of hops. Thinking of brewing tonight, but it is so hot, I might not need a kettle.
Any good, basic recipes for a unique IPA or Pale Ale?
I recently brewed 10 gallons of cream ale and 5 gallons of Wit.
Won’t have much time to prep, so any great, simple recipes come to mind? I have yeast from very recent batches of 1056 and from an Oatmeal stout I brewed a few weeks ago (cannot remember yeast)
hard to make it ‘unique’ without a list of your available ingredients. but you can squeeze in some adjuncts that might be interesting if you like. or mess around with late addition hops
6-7% ABV
90% 2-row, or your favorite pale malt
5% of your favorite crystal/caramel malt
5% torrified wheat, carafoam, carapils, or oats
Again, it’s hard to five advice without a list of ingredients beyond just having a bunch of stuff but this formula sounds rock solid to me for an IPA. Maybe toss in a tad of Roasted Malt or some carafaa III for a Black IPA/IBA/cascadian dark/whatever the hell people like to call these beers.