Brew Demon fermenter

Just saw a 7 gallon plastic conical fermenter online. Has anyone bought and used one of these. Price seems reasonable, but if it’s junk…

The 2 gallon is $40 but step up to the 6 and it jumps to $125. Could buy a lot of buckets, lids and stuff for that. Part of the idea of conical fermenters is to be able to dump the trub from the bottom port it is missing. Also to harvest yeast from the side it does have.

I would like to hear from someone that has one first.

Mt brother-in-law HAD a 2 gl version. The spigot leaked (maybe due to operator error- overtighten,etc.). Because he kept his 1 gl batches fermenting in his bedroom (on top of wife’s dresser next to the ac) and it leaked…do I even have to finish the story? He uses a 2 gl bucket now.

You can read the review over on the beerborg forum, link
. They seemed to like it well enough, other than the price. I’ve got one of the original 2-3G ones and it works fine.