Beer foamed like crazy..what happened?

This evening I sanitized a nylon bag and stainless steel rod (for weight) to drop into my keg to dry hop. When I dropped in the nylon bag into my beer about 3 seconds later it started foaming out the top like one of those vinegar+baking soda science fair volcanoes. Any ideas what would have caused a reaction like this? I had not added the hops to the bag yet.


You created a bunch of nucleation sites. These are places where the bubbles can form. I usually add the dry hops to the keg with the hops already in the bag. My beer is usually flat when I keg it though. Adding sugar will do the same thing. I almost always add sugar to my keg for carbonation, but I add some water and heat it to make a syrup. This keeps it from foaming. I still need to put the lid on quickly and add 20 Lbs of top pressure, but I have not had a foaming keg in several years.