Brewed NB’s Dead Ringer IPA. Two weeks ago I put the first 6 pack in the fridge. They were excellent and gone in two days. Put another 6 in the fridge. They sat in there one week. Last night the wife and I cracked three open. All of them tasted bitter, and possibly a little over-carbonated. Then I tried one that hadn’t been in the fridge yet at room temp. It tasted fine. Do i need to only refrigerate however I’m going to drink soon? Or do I have an infected batch? Never had this issue before (but I’ve only brewed 18 five gallon batches, most of which i’ve kegged.) Thank you.
I made a pale ale recently that was over-carbonated - I used too much corn sugar.
It tasted sooo bitter. I thought it might be a side effect of the carbonation. another forum member advised this:
I used a procedure to remove some carbonation from the bottles, and the bitterness was tamed down. I found assurance in this video:
Thank you harpdog for the response and the video link. I poured a cold one hard to the bottom of a big glass and stirred it a little, waited for the head to die down, and it wasn’t bad. If this method doesn’t work in the future i will try another method like the one in the video.