Apricot Dead Ringer

Hello all,
I am a semi-accomplished extract brewer, with about 10 batches so far. my specialty is the Dead Ringer, as you might have deduced from my scandalous avatar. I really want to spice things up, and start putting fruit in. For this beer, Oregon apricot puree immediately came to mind: I thought it would interact well with the fruitiness of the Centennial additions. Having never brewed with fruit before, I would love to hear ideas on how to accomplish this. What I really had in mind was the big brother (1.065) version of Aprihop. Let me know what you think.

Most people I’ve heard talk about fruit add it after the active fermentation happens. Adding fruit into the boil or into active fermentation means a lot of the aroma can be pushed off during the fermentation or boil.

After active fermentation, most people pasteurize the fruit then add it- sometimes people add it in a bag to control the proteins or trub.