Love Brewing. Hate my job. Anybody else feel this way? I cant be alone.
I love going home after work and brewing.
Recently I started woking for a company and part of my job requires me to telemarket. I HATE telemarketing. Anyway, I realized after my first few calls that the people on the other end of the phone line occasionally GENUINELY HATE ME. Just because of my job. I get it. Telemarketers can be annoying. Fine. It still sorta sucks when people are A**Holes.
The only thing that is nice about my job is it allows me total flexibility. So I could leave the office at noon if I want and I can go brew beer. Which I might do today on account of how much telemarketing sucks.
Sorry Adam that you have such a shitty job where you have to deal with people that didnt wake up in the morning and say to themselves “Man I hope that Adam guy calls me today” Dealing with people can suck.
I love my job, Dislike my boss and also enjoy Brewing. Weekends tend to be my brewing times though.
If I were you I would run home, brew up some beer and possibly look into a new career.
[quote=“GoldenChild”]Sorry Adam that you have such a #### job where you have to deal with people that didnt wake up in the morning and say to themselves “Man I hope that Adam guy calls me today” Dealing with people can suck.
I love my job, Dislike my boss and also enjoy Brewing. Weekends tend to be my brewing times though.
If I were you I would run home, brew up some beer and possibly look into a new career.[/quote]
HAHA I know right?! Where are the people that are just waiting for me to call them!? The job is a means to an end. I’ll be out of it soon enough. I’m glad there’s someone out there that loves their job. Thats good news.
I like my job… meaning, I would not want a different job. But, it is still a job, and jobs (even good jobs) are not as fun as hobbies:) I love brewing… I find that I spend more an more time thinking about it, and am always contemplating improvements, new beers, waiting to taste the next batch when it is ready…
Yeah, I hear you though… there are a lot of days I would rather be brewing. But, alas, I need my job so that I can do my brewing:)
I dislike my job. There are no other employment options without relocating. On the bright side, it pays the bills and makes me appreciate my home life even more.
I did political organizing in my past life which required cold calling organizational members and showing up at peoples doorsteps who don’t know me or my organization. Either for money or volunteers or votes it was always a potentially hostile situation. All you can do is to be persistent in a nice and understanding way. After you hang up on someone who freaked the f*** out (or after you get hung up on) you just laugh at them and tell your coworkers to blow off steam. We used to have a unofficial weekly “debriefing” in which the person with the biggest overreaction would get a free drink at the bar.
[quote=“harpdog”]Problem is, they often keep jabbering after I tell them I’m not interested. Then I have to be curt.[/quote]Easiest to just not answer the phone (or the doorbell).
[quote=“Adam20”]Love Brewing. Hate my job. Anybody else feel this way? I cant be alone.
I love going home after work and brewing.
Recently I started woking for a company and part of my job requires me to telemarket. I HATE telemarketing. Anyway, I realized after my first few calls that the people on the other end of the phone line occasionally GENUINELY HATE ME. Just because of my job. I get it. Telemarketers can be annoying. Fine. It still sorta sucks when people are A**Holes.
The only thing that is nice about my job is it allows me total flexibility. So I could leave the office at noon if I want and I can go brew beer. Which I might do today on account of how much telemarketing sucks.[/quote]
I’ve spent much of my career in some sort of sales. I love what I do now but I can relate to your pain.
Something I learned early on when I spent all day making cold calls was to separate myself from my role. They don’t hate you Adam. They just hate that sales guy that’s interrupting their “put important activity here”.
I’m obsessed with brewing right now. I feel like I did when we brought our first child home from the hospital and I was constantly going in to wake him up to make sure he was OK and worrying that I was doing everything right to be a perfect parent. I have to keep telling myself the beer needs a nap…leave the lights off and let it ferment/condition/carbonate. HAHA And since I have a lot of flexibility in my job I’m probably spending more time with the beer than I should.
So if a guy named Adam calls my house today I’ll try to be nice to him!
Like someone said, even the best jobs are still jobs.
If you hate it, then right now it’s a means to an end. It keeps the money coming for bills and hobbies (and hopefully some savings), but make the time to find something that suits you better or training/education for better things.
I get it, as a part-time summer job in college I had to cold call people on Saturday mornings for a portrait studio! People did not like me at all! Luckily I did other things at the studio too.
Best of luck and take the edge off with a homebrew. :cheers:
[quote=“Adam20”]Love Brewing. Hate my job. Anybody else feel this way? I cant be alone.
I love going home after work and brewing.
Recently I started woking for a company and part of my job requires me to telemarket. I HATE telemarketing. Anyway, I realized after my first few calls that the people on the other end of the phone line occasionally GENUINELY HATE ME. Just because of my job. I get it. Telemarketers can be annoying. Fine. It still sorta sucks when people are A**Holes.
The only thing that is nice about my job is it allows me total flexibility. So I could leave the office at noon if I want and I can go brew beer. Which I might do today on account of how much telemarketing sucks.[/quote]
i love to pretend like im really interested in what they have to say let them get their manager to seal the deal then give the phone to my two year old and have her tell them all about dora the explorer. that has got to be at least slightly better than being rude to them. Sorry adam20 if that has been done to you. there are a lot of things about my job that i dont like
Wow these are really nice responses. Thanks guys. I vented and feel great. Next pint I have will be lifted to you folks and nice people in the world. GO BEER!
HAha that’s funny. I’ll use that if I ever have a daughter. Luckily I dont have to cold call peoples houses. I just call businesses. I wouldnt interupt somebody at home. Thats supposed to be a safe place.
To relate i am able to work a lot of hours on the weekend 12+ hours per day and stay home a lot of the week with my young children . if i was on top of it i could manage a batch a week but its often less that that.
I like my job, but unfortunately work for a major corporation. Corporations are like dog sledding teams, if your never the lead dog you will always have to look at a$$holes. I’m a supervisor and get to run my own crew, but dealing with some of the higher ups (who don’t even know how to do my job) can be very frustrating. Luckily I have a kegerator waiting for me on those days. :lol:
My job is pretty good. But I’m on 12 hour shifts and work a 35 day rotation. It can be tricky trying to plan a brew day. I try to plan my brew day for when SWMBO is working. Next is planning the yeast starter. Sometimes when I get home at 6:00 I have to make the starter so it will be ready for brew day.