So I’ve been looking around alot online, and have found several kegerators that look like they can fit two, even three or more 5 gal kegs. But after readying alot of the product reviews, it looks like most of them need constant repair and just aren’t worth the $. So I figured I’d ask here and see who’s had relative luck and success with what?
I’d like to be able to hold at least 2 5-gal kegs. And if u could fit a carboy in there with a keg, awesome. I’m not much of a builder, so ready to go is what I’m looking for.
I suppose that’s easy enough. I’d have to use a full size fridge though right? The idea of a kegerator would be easier to pass over the old lady then putting ANOTHER fridge in the garage.
I suggest going the chest freezer route with a temperature controller. You can start out with picnic taps, which is easy. Building a collar, though, is a little more involved, something I couldn’t do if I wanted to since I don’t have any of the necessary tools or space to build it.