Hello, new to the forum but was wondering if anyone knows of any events upcoming to the Northern Indiana area or a good spot to search.
Try indianabeer.com they got a calendar of a lot of beer events here in Indiana.
The Midwest Brewers Cup is happening at the state fair this weekend. Not sure if the award ceremon is a public event or not. I have a couple brews in the competition so wish me luck
Brewers’ Cup is coming up this weekend but is at least something you can plan for next year.
Thanks so much for the replies. I did find the Brewer’s cup (best of luck Mattnaik!), something for me to try for next year. Indianabeer.com was great, but a bit of sad news, I found out that the equipment for the old Mishawaka Brewery was sold…had a lot of great times there for years, my friend and I were one of the first customers when they opened up.