Another fermentation/IPA question

Brewing an IPA today to use up some leftover hops I have kicking around my freezer. Lately my I’ve been able to keep my ales around 62 degrees during active fermentation in my basement.
If I were to ferment in my house, fermentation temp would probably be around 70 using us-05. Could an ipa benefit from esters produced at a higher temp?

Absolutely but not from US-05 imo, which is very clean and that’s it’s greatest strength (and also the reason I stopped using it)

Personally not a big fan of estery IPAs but I think people who brew them generally use yeasts like english ale yeast or even kweik which are known to throw some fruity esters.


London Ale III was my goto for a long time

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Yep. Did a blonde ale with London Ale III recently and it was great.

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I’ve used London ale III in a few beers and really like it. Truth be told I was just looking for a logical reason to keep my beer in the house and not lug it downstairs into the basement.

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