Hi everyone, first time poster, first time brewer. I just tried my American Wheat Beer Extract Kit and it is very bitter on the back and sides of the tongue, it is great on the front. The bitter lingers on the back of the tongue to the point of almost unpalatable after taking a sip for some time. I did not taste this bitterness when I tried it before bottling.
I am trying to get some ideas as to what may have happened. Maybe I should just let it sit in the bottle longer? It was in the primary for two weeks, and bottles for two weeks (the minimum) at about 68-70 degrees in the dark.
I was very cautious with sanitation. I used Safale US-05 Ale Yeast, I did not re-hydrate. The starting gravity was 1.038 and final gravity was 1.012. I carbonated with 1 1/3 plus a little of a cup (there was some boil over so I added “a little” more) of Golden Light DME, I am not sure what else to share off the bat that might help.
Also, there was almost no head on the beer although I could taste the carbonation.
Any guidance would be great, thanks in advance.