First time poster. Working on a Stout that I pitched yesterday, decided against an airlock and put a blow off hose into a bucket of sanitizer, which was clearly a good choice. Now the top of the ale pail is bulging, leaking out the sides of the lid, and pushing krausen and co2 out the breather. Any recommendations on how to keep the lid on tight so it won’t leak all over the place??? Any ideas to prevent this kind of mess in the future?
First time poster. Working on a Stout that I pitched yesterday, decided against an airlock and put a blow off hose into a bucket of sanitizer, which was clearly a good choice. Now the top of the ale pail is bulging, leaking out the sides of the lid, and pushing krausen and co2 out the breather. Any recommendations on how to keep the lid on tight so it won’t leak all over the place??? Any ideas to prevent this kind of mess in the future?
If you have a large plastic bin or tub you could sit the ale pail in then I’d just loosen up the lid a bit and let it relieve pressure. Once the blow off has settled back you can snap the lid back on, clean up, sanitize and put on an airlock.
To avoid this in the future you’ll want to find a way to control fermentation temperatures. I’m guessing this batch was fermenting pretty warm. Most ales you’ll want to keep in the low to mid 60s to control blow offs like this and prevent off flavors from developing during fermentation. Google swamp cooler and you’ll see some ideas for controlling fermentation temperatures.