Curious once I read what the new company’s niche is … I take it AB InBev wasn’t getting enough green from this scene… Sneezles61
They are not Brewers just diversifying their portfolio for marketing purposes I imagine
Yea they’re venture capitalists. Maybe AB was looking for a better margin than NB returned or they just didn’t think it was worth their attention.
[quote=“dannyboy58, post:4, topic:27597, full:true”] Maybe AB was looking for a better margin than NB returned
This would be my hypothesis. IIRC I read something recently that indicated that homebrewing was actually down.
That would do it. Then my guess is the VC will probably have all kinds of creative and heavy handed ideas about streamlining NB’s operations to maximize profits.
My LHBS owner told me they couldn’t survive on the homebrew supply sales alone. They also stock lots of craft beers and have food and 10 taps on site. Nice little business.
Think so to. Just read they pull out of the asian stock market
I think their investment return did not go fast enough. So time to pull out
They realized they could get the value of the forum for free and that they had all the other stuff already
What are there, like ten of us on here who post semi-regularly, lol…Those of us who’ve been on here awhile remember how popular this site was pre InBev. Unlikely to get that back. It’s still not a mom and pop.
By time inbev bought the NB the forum lost members. Mostly due to the format change. I’ve been on other forums and haven’t been impressed by a huge following. Home brew supply is a dead end. Sure the keep pushing stuff that you really don’t need and some people will always upgrade. They mostly make money on extract kits but extract brewing doesn’t require much equipment. So the push all grain equipment. But all grain Brewers don’t buy kits. So they need to encourage more people to brew but you open a catalog and their overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed and I already know how to brew. I would never invest in a home brew store.
There is only 1 LHBS in NYC (which just won LHBS of the year at homebrewcon) 9 million people could not support 2 of them I guess. Margins might be small and storefront rent here is crazy. In Manhattan its over $600 per square foot.
The bigger Homebrew store here started back in the 90s and was just mail order then opened a store and expanded into wine and coffee. They always offer free classes. Now they attached a brewery. The last few times I’ve gone they were out of this or that and said the brewery used it up so you can see where their focus is. If it wasn’t for their brewery they would probably close. Lucky there is a smaller one that I prefer. I think that one is a side business as well
Wow, only one?
I guess I’m lucky that in a county with less than 500,000 people, we have a decent homebrew store. Unfortunately they’ve been cutting corners recently, cutting hours, and they folded their mail order business last year. I suspect that they will likely close in a year or two. The owner opened up a nano brewery with one of the clerks from the store, and I suspect that’s where most of their energy is going.
@brew_cat that’s true, I forgot about the mass exodus after the forum format change. Even though they eventually restored a lot of the history, the damage was done. The InBev thing was just the icing.
And of course it’s undeniable, that homebrewing is on the descent now.
Where is it? Might visit next trip to the city just for kicks. Yea I’m easily amused. Beer & motorcycle geek…
Yea I neglected to mention in my post about my LHBS that they offer brew on premise and homebrew school. They get quite a bit of business for that I beleive. Pretty cool looking setup that would foster equipment envy in many new brewers.
If you do let me know because it’s walking distance from my house… well a 30 min walk.
Think they got to offer. More brew classes. And once done you. Get discount on all grain products. I do think give it. Bit more time. Than the hype of home brewing. Will get less. Only way to survive. Is giving nice. Offers. Other wise the internet. Companys will push them out of the market. People dont like to shop at a store any more delivery at home will be the way to go unfortunately. Example. We work at a dive shop our retail down. We can not compeet with internet stores.
Around here there are so many breweries and so much selection in the stores im kind of not surprised that people don’t feel the need to brew. It’s a certain breed home Brewers. So many people want instant gratification. One of the first questions I get is how long does it take before you can drink it. Kind of misses the point
Yes. Its special kind of people who home brew. Indeed most people ask me. Can i try the new home brew. My answer. No. It takes 4 to 6 weeks before done. Aaa than home brewing not for me. Their answer