WTF Cider issue!

got a bunch of fresh cider this fall from an orchard, treated it with campden for 24 hours and had a successful fermentation. I kegged the first carboy with success and was letting the second age.

Checked on it today and found this! the weird thing is the cider doesn’t smell/taste off. Is this an infection or is it normal? It’s been about 3.5 months.

Not normal. The broken ice pack says lacto infection, especially with the large headspace in the bucket. What was your FG? Maybe the tartness inherent in cider is covering up the infection? Keep it cold and drink quickly, it should still be ok!

I agree with porkchop. Looks like Lacto. And that might not hurt anything. As long as it still tastes good then it IS good. Rack and enjoy.

FG was very low. 1.001. I think I’ll rack and package leaving the scum behind. It seems to only be on the surface.
