Will Work for Beer

Will work for beer? I’ve done it perhaps you have as well. Typically I will trade a skill I have that comes readily to a friend or close acquaintance for a six pack or 2. The most I’ve been paid is when I asked for 2 cases of beer and the person I was trading with said “that’s not enough” and brought me a nice bottle of Laphroaig as well.

Well this concept goes back a long time…

And then I almost got cookied to death!..
Perhaps to me, its really disturbing that somewhere, far away, a long time ago… Someone figured out that if they lock up the food you ate, they could in a sense, force you to work… :unamused: Sneezles61

I don’t know where you got that from "No one owned the land, and produce was shared. The residents of this city are unlikely to have considered their daily chores “work”. But I understand your sentiment. Of course that locked up grain sprouted and then accidentally got turned to beer and then we ended up devoting pixels to it.

In a reversal of the above bargain, I have a baked goods for Hefeweizen deal with one of my wife’s besties.

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I recently traded beer for tres leches cake. Well worth the trade. haha

This has been a presentation of Economics 101 from the School of Hard Knocks.

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