
That’s what the hooker said… :slight_smile:

As far as other successful dry yeasts, I won 2 packs of Munich and put it in a Weizenbock, it turned out great, but I will likely use Weihenstephens for all Weizen-styles in the future. I just won 2 packs in a contest, so that’s why I did it that one time.

I’ve made successful lager starters using 4.5 l starters and one pack of fresh Wyeast. I did that for a 1.062 maibock last March. I tried doing the same thing with a pack of Staro-Prague, but I think the heat and age killed it (3 months), because the starter never looked alive during the 3 days I had it. I think in the future, I’ll just buy 2 packs of lager yeast and make a 4 l starter, then reuse the cake to get my money’s worth. Bock/Doppelbock, pilsner/dark pilsner/dunkel, etc.