Sunday Brewday

Brewing a NB SMaSH this morning while enjoying a delicious Zombie Dirt! I really appreciate all of you for your wisdom!

Brewing my cherry saison again today with Wyeast 3724 slurry( was about 4 months old so did a SNSYS overnight). Will ferment at room temp with foil only( no airlock).


Did 5gal Kolsch yesterday to build up yeast for a 10gal batch. Used 2565 and it’s happily burping away at 62°.

Finished up 10gal gose today. Took longer than expected as I had a strange problem with my cast burner. Worked flawlessly yesterday, today no pressure. Had to take it all apart, didn’t really find anything, put it back together, and it worked perfectly! You guess is as good as mine… :confused:

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Wish I were brewing. Just got back from a 2 week hiatus in CO am WY. My ofest party in two weeks. Lots to do. Heading to camp for labor day weekend. No pressure.