Safe and Happy 4th

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Happy Independence day to all! But especially to those who have served, and to those who are still serving to protect our freedoms.

Have fun, but maybe don’t mix the homebrew with the fireworks…

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Yes have a safe holiday. One of the few holidays that hasn’t been hijacked. By capitalism. Peace☮️

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Bottled today. Blood O(range) Brettanomyces (the British Fungus)
Wasn’t planned that way just happened

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Yes, happy and safe 4th everyone!

Happy and safe 4th to all of you! Since most friends and family have to work tomorrow, we’re just gonna lay low and drink some brews :beers:

Happy 4 of july everyone cheers to ya all

I hope all made it through had some great barbqued eats and hanging with their family and friends and saw some fireworks! Sneezles61

We hung out by the lake where it was cool and drank some swill beers then later closed the curtains in the bedroom and turned the TV up full blast in an attempt to keep the dogs calm with all the fireworks.

I played dodge ball solo against a bunch of 12 year olds. I’m pleased to say I was able to win and only played a little dirty. Like lobbying a ball really high and while they are all watching it come back down to earth, take them out one by one with the other balls. Worked up quite a sweat and was handed a really cold Modelo Especial Amber and it really made my night.

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At least you didn’t throw wrenches.

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Wait the 12 year olds handed you a Modelo ?


Spoils of war

Dodge dip duck dive dodge.

Or “Jarts”…aka lawn darts. I am surprised we survived childhood in the 60’s with those things around.

Look familiar?


I spent many hours/days with them! I even road my bicycle without a helmet!! And to put the icing on the cake… No one ever told the stuff I was touching could cause cancer or reproductive harm! I’ve barely made it 58… Sneezles61


Dodge Ball WITH Jarts…now that was fun game! :joy:

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Throw them straight up in the air, then be sure you get the heck out of the way when they come down!

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Child’s play. We played mumbley peg barefoot on the beach.

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What is that? Sneezles61

We played mumbley peg by flipping a jack knife into the ground (or sand) so it stuck in between your opponents feet. I don’t think that was the original game though.