Reviews for recipe kits

So I went to our host to go back and post reviews of the last couple kits I bought, but I don’t see the option to post a review anymore on anything? Did they remove that feature or am I just stupid and missing something? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You have a window of opportunity to review after ordering. Then it’s closed down.

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Considering I average about 5 weeks from date of order to drinkable, I wonder how long they leave it up for. :thinking:


You should be getting emails asking you to review

I do, but I can’t review something that’s not drinkable yet! :joy:


Yeah we should write to them and figure out how to fix that.
“Grains look good and I think they weigh pretty much what I was expecting.”


I just snorted my beer! :joy: :joy: :joy:

Also checked my last order that I haven’t had time to brew yet. Ordered May 3 and can’t review it.


Got an email back, they only accept reviews through the emails they send asking for reviews apparently. Ah well, at least I know now.


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I usually don’t like doing reviews… That like the data boys… not too happy with well you know…

The problem with doing reviews is a lot of places outsource handling the reviews so they can collect data on you so i dont give a review unless the company is collecting their own