Larger. 2nd ferment

So do I need to be pitching into the yeast cake fairly soon ?

Within a month or so. But if you go over you can revamp the yeast with a simple starter.

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I’ve taken to the habit of pouring some hoppy beer onto of my saved yeast… About 1" cap is good…
So please help me understand… whats so different betwixt Dark LME and DME ? seems somewhat redundant… I would opt for DME… Thats some sticky business messing with LME… Sneezles61

My typical MO…on Sunday I brewed 10 gallons of IPA, kegged 5 gallons that was done fermenting, poured half that yeast cake into a second bucket and pumped my fresh 10 gals of wort into the two buckets. I’ve been keeping the buckets at 61 degrees. Krauesen is starting to fall so I’ll let the temp start to rise naturally and in a couple days lift the buckets from the swamp coolers and let them rise to room temp of about 70. Probably brew again this weekend to keep the swamp coolers from feeling lonely.

Guys, I’ve got 5 Galons of Block party Amber Ale ready to Rack. Question. I have is around the yeast cake.

I’m planning to brew a stronger version of the same beer, will this yeastcake be ok?

Yes, swirl and pour a little off and pitch to it. Can’t get any fresher


Ok so I collect the yeast ready for another brew, if I put in the fridge will it still be ok for next weekend? Do I need to add any beer back into the yeast or is it ok as is?

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I do put a hoppy brew cap on mine… Its low in pH which will help eliminate other microbes from infecting your yeast… And hops are a natural preservative too! Sneezles61

So some of the beer back in will be ok?

If you swirled up a little beer to pour the yeast out it will separate and cap the yeast after a day or so in the fridge. That’s always worked fine for me.

Within a week or 2 I’d use that slurry direct or make a very small 1L or less starter to freshen it up and pitch at high krauesen. 1-3 months a 1L per 5 gals refresher starter pitched at high k.

Any older than that and I use Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator | Brewer's Friend to determine starter size/steps needed based on age and amount of the yeast slurry. I conservatively estimate about 2B cells/ml for my slurry. With ales I sometimes go with 3B/ml but with lagers i err on the side of caution. An overpitch won’t hurt.

I’d loosen up the top on that mason jar if it seals tightly…some offgassing could blow that baby! I use mason jars and screw the lid on tightly then loosen 1/4 turn or so.

You did sanitize that jar before pouring off the yeast right?

Thanks dan, I’ll loosen it up, it is very tight. yes
Everything sanitised.

Struggling to see how to loosen this type of Jar, without having the lid open… any ideas?

You could just put plastic wrap over the top and leave the lid loose or off.

Thanks, sorry for the dumb question, wasn’t sure !

I use sarah wrap and put a rubber band around it to hold in place… I’ve pitched up to 9 times with an Australian yeast… It threw a bit of different off flavor so I threw it then… I’ve got some that are about 9 months old, and one has be pitched 4 times… I’m thinking about throwing out after 5 from now on… Sneezles61

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Ok guys, I’m going to brew a new ale over the weekend and reuse the yeast I harvested last weekend.

Is there anything I need to do to the yeast? Do
I need to do a starter or am I ok to shake the yeast and pour it into the wort once in the carboy?

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How much compacted yeast do you have in the bottom there?

While it’s probably not “necessary” with slurry this young, you could make a small starter 8-12 hours prior to brewing and pitch it at high krauesen. That would decrease any lag time significantly.

Having said that with slurry only a week or so old you could just decant off the beer, leaving just enough to swirl up the yeast and pitch it.

I like to have the yeast up and ready for work… I would make a starter… I’m not metric savvy so you’ll get American measurements (English?) Heat up 1 quart of water, boil just starts, turn it off. Dump in 3/4 cup DME, put the lid on and walk away… I’ll do this before bed time… The next morning, I’ll decant the beer cap off your yeast and now add that starter… since its cooled to room temp. Everything is sanitized, right? Now I will seal that bugger up tight and shake it! Vehemently! Take the lid off, to allow some O2, and repeat… The last time you do this, leave the lid loose… When the yeast starts working… it will give off gas!
I will start this on Thursday if I brew Saturday… The yeast will be ready and very little lag time. Sneezles61

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Not sure, that’s a 1000ml jar about a third full? How
Can I tell what’s yeast, the whole of the set bottom?

How would I pitch at high Kaursen? Add dried yeast initially?

I can make a starter but I don’t have a stir plate. Is it