Just a general thanks

I’m switching to a red cooler. Wanting to make my homebrew great again


I was looking for options… Transparent? Sneezles61

Put a wall around it.

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I see . To keep out alien yeast right? Makes sense


That explains my strangely sweet IPA. My blue cooler was too busy emailing God knows who rather than converting effectively.


I was thinking about it and after I go through the hassle not to mention expense could the yeasts just go over the wall?

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Make AB/InBev pay for it.

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They will only go over the wall for a transgender bathroom.

That one got too technical too quick for me to keep up. I couldn’t even say the salt made the saturated water “grainy!”

Didn’t think my post a year ago would still be goin…besides yellow coolers are better…

If its yellow, it mellow, if its brown, its down! Sneezles61

Yellow has a tendency to raise the pH out of range. Hope you’re accounting for this.

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I think the advice was that blue was so much more mellow and orange was easier to find. :sunglasses:

Briess is definitely too grainy! :wink: