Getting low on pbw

Me got 3 lbs of pbw left. Gonna use this. For my fermentors. Gonna try a new product to clean my kettles. I do use this product. To clean my rebreather and my regulators. It. Kills bacteria. And all the other nasty stuff. So should work for my brew kettles. And its way cheaper as well.

I’ll be curious as to how well it works! I like the idea of economy… I really meant, saving some money? Sneezles61

Yeah. I think. Did get 2 jars from the dive shop. (Its free ) about 200 of these little bags. Cost price. 15 dollar. Per bucket normally me prefere. Dpw powder. Did order new stuff true our host. Should be here around. 20 nov. And than the hassle again about i bring chemicals in customs give me every time hard time.ask me what it is. Last time the idiot ask me about hops. It smells like weed he said. No sir its hops to brew beer with. His answer. No. Said why dont you open a bag. A smell taste or smoke it. Me curius what you think

I’ve never used PBW, I hear it’s great. I have used Oxiclean a couple times. I think whatever you do it’s going to work as long as you’re sure to wash it well after. I’m saying this as someone who just washes with no product and then Starsans.

Egg him on next time to chew on a hop pellet… Have your camera ready… But I suppose, its a better situation than not doing their job… Maybe? Sneezles61

Haha did try a hop one time. Nasty shit. Taste of hops like a few hours. Had to wash it out with beer. A true form of dryhop


Try a drop of hopshot/hop extract… you’ll never be the same.:grimacing:


I drank my hop vodka tincture and was not the same for several hours.

Lol I tried a drop of hop shot once as a bet. I won the bet but my tongue lost the war Yuck​:nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting: lol

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I don’t even have a bet as an excuse, just thought it would be a good idea with a momentary lapse in judgement. It burns!!!


I made that mistake once. He’s not kiddin’. And either am I when I say I brushed my teeth 6 times and that taste was still there. It’s really unbelievable.

Edited to add: @porkchop mine too was just a total brain fart… “wonder what this taste like??” Big mistake.


What we do for our brew

I didn’t have it that bad. But the purple dragon that started talking to me right after I put the drop on my tongue had some interesting points about feudal japan’s cheese-making traditions while I curled up in a fetal position for a few minutes on the lawn. At least I didn’t have to brush my teeth.

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I did this at work one day at the beginning of a shift. Haha not very fun luckily it was only a cascade pellet