
What other forums do others post on. I’ve been trying a few just in case something turns bad here. I have a feeling this forum may be going away especially if we keep bashing bush beers is where I have a second account

:dizzy_face: I haven’t even tried. I’m not much good at this digital stuff. Isn’t there someone here that can git an off shoot going. I told Denny a long time ago I didn’t git it( when he started his brewing page) and I still don’t git what you are to/how to git this stuff to work. So should stuff go to hell in a hand basket, well, I’m screwed…:disappointed: Sneezles61

I’m not on any others, but if sh*th goes sideways, I’ll probably land at AHA.

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Shith…shoth…sheth…shath…or shuth?

Well pretend I’m Welsh… Shcdkyytlllgth. :wink:

HBT and AHA, but I’ve always liked the civil discourse and friendly feeling of this forum. Hope it continues.


We start a fb page. Easy a closed page group. Photos. ideas. Recipy. And other issues with beer brewing. If this forum might stop. Dont hope so i enjoy it. Me went on a other forum. About cherrie beer brewing. Just some questions i had. But this page. Bunch of old fart brewers. Kind of a holes. Who want to keep to them self. So done with that forum

I’m hopeful the forum will continue to operate as it has and that the people who make this forum the place that it is continue to post. I’ve been here for 4 years and really enjoy it.


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So did not hear nothing or read. Are they thinking to quit than

Perhaps we could all exchange addresses and send letters to each other. But one letter, many copies. Sort of like the forum through the US mail.


E - forums allow real discourse in real time. There is a reason snail mail is slowly dying…Imagine having a brewday going and needing real time advice on your process and sending a letter!

I like Beer Advocate’s homebrewing forum. I have been on their forums since 2008,even before I was homebrewing. It can get a little snarky but entertaining.

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Clearly I was not serious with that little tidbit.

My pigeons dont fly that far


I know. I was just reveling in the benefits of finding a working forum. I believe this will all likely blow over and we’ll suck it up buttercup and keep this extremely useful site a great place to lurk and post.

We start our own closed group on fb. If we do need to.

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Bow to the leper mesiah

I think a closed group would be stagnant. We always need new people and ideas. The nice part of NB is they bring a steady supply of new brewers that we can corrupt


I even get a giddy feeling giving the regular “to secondary or not to secondary” speech every other day right after Father’s day/Christmas.


Even closed group. You can be invited