First time making a starter: will this work?

Some of the charts and calculators have my head spinning.
I settled on a recipe. Will it be ok and not off the charts one way or another?

2 qts water
1 pack Safale US-05 Ale yeast
230gms Briess Pilsen DME

For use on 5 gal batch


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Just a quick glance at my notes, I do 100 g of DME to 1L of water…
You could scale up from there to whatever size of starter you want to make.


What’s the estimated Original Gravity for the 5 gallon batch? 1 pack of US-05 without a starter is likely enough yeast.

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You’re right, I was simply answering the question about the ratio. I really glossed over the fact that it was dry yeast he was using … yes there is no need to make a starter with dry yeast in fact it’s deleterious.

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To restate, something that has been brought up here numerous times over the years but doesn’t hurt to restate it for new brewers:

dry yeast is processed to contain all the nutrients it would need to get off to a fast start in your wort. Simply pitch(sprinkle it on top) it into the cooled wort at the appropriate temperature, and “simply walk away” as @dmtaylo2 asserts.

Glad to hear I can just pitch dry yeast direct. But since I had all the starter stuff washed and sterilized, I decided to make a starter.
Had a brain spasm and made more wort than my 1/2 gallon jug could deal with.
Mixed 2 qts water with 200 g of DME.
I’ll just pour 1 1/2 qts in the jug.
Like you say, the yeast is good on it’s own, so this will just give it a goose (scientific phrase).

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1:10 ratio… Using metric might be a whole bunch easier than our English units…
But I think you figured it out Mr. Neck… It needs to fit INTO the jug…
Your are ALSO rehydrating your dry yeast now… Thats not bad… Shake the jug when you walk by…
(setting you up for the shaken’ not stirred method)… Which, a few us here use when doing starters with wet/repitching yeast…

Sorry about English units.
I took a gravity reading and got 1.045.
Sounds like 1 L to 100g of DME is spot on.
Thanks for the guidance.


The yeast really took off. A little shake of the jug and it gasses off like crazy.
Taking that as a good sign.


It is a good sign…
When I do starters, I am aiming for about 1.030… there about… Again, stuff I read, you are trying to set the yeast up for budding… so intake of nutrients is a key…

I love making starters. Now that I’m using the excess CO2 from my starters to grow aquatic plants I always make a starter.

Would love to hear more about your process. How are you harvesting the expelled CO2?

It’s an easy build. I have a clear glass 1Gallon jug with a tight sealing lid. This lid has a silicone tube attached that leads to a release valve so I can determine how much gas goes to the tank. From the valve the tube goes to a diffuser which has a clear bit so you can count the bubbles per second. In the tank is a ball filled with indicator fluid which will change color if the CO2 becomes dangerously high for fish.
You can see the respiration in the plants because they “pearl” with oxygen bubbles.



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ill post it in another thread when I start one up

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