Beer TV shows

Why is it so hard to make a TV show about beer and brewing?

Last night, I watched “Beerland” on the Viceland TV channel. Apparently, it’s a gal going around the country and tasting homebrew, to put together a competition for the best homebrewer around. It could be interesting, but it was kind of awful.

First, I have no idea where they found the host. No charisma at all, and not really any real gravitas to make me care about her opinion. You either need someone fun enough to pay attention to, or serious enough to take their opinion seriously. This host was neither.

Second, you could do some interesting things showing various homebrewers and their equipment, processes, etc. Almost none of that. One guy talked about Neomexicanus hops, which was interesting, but they didn’t even get into extract vs all grain, recipe design, etc. I guess it was more important to show what parties they attend than how they make beer.

Is it really that hard to make a good TV show about beer? Anybody ever see one that was worthwhile?

Never seen it so I googled it. Apparently she is the founder of Golden Road Brewery. And of course. AB InBev bought it up in 2015.

Now I know I won’t see it! :sweat_smile:

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I guess I don’t feel bad calling her a dead-in-the-eye snoozefest, then…

But seriously, at least the Brew Dogs guys had a personality, even if I hated their silly challenges.

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Yeah, I would vigorously avoid anything she’s involved in.

Yeah Ubes, I would love to see something all about home brewers and their systems and how they use it… That would very interesting… I wouldn’t care at all about who has the best… Kinda like a parody to diners, drive ins and dives… Grist, kettle and mash tuns? Sneezles61

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I still miss Brewing TV.

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Here’s a bit of that…

Thank you Denny! I do like the simplicity… Sneezles61

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I agree Brewdogs was the most entertaining of the beer shows I’ve seen. funny and entertaining but some good interviews in depth with the brewers at Anchor Steam, Sam Adams, Stone, etc. Yeah, The drink it or dump it thing at the end got old quickly.
On the net I like Chop and Brew.